Ett kollage av bilder som symboliserar olika samhällsutmaningar kombinerat med symboliska techbilder. Exempel: Ett smältande isberg, en skogsbrand, plats i havet, ett nyfött barn, ett vetefält och ett mikroskop.

Business Idea Competition – win up to SEK 100,000

Do you have an idea that addresses a problem or societal challenge? Now’s your chance to join this fall’s idea competition and win up to SEK 100,000 to make your solution a reality.

When you win – everyone wins

Here at Science Park, we believe in people’s desire to contribute to a sustainable society, and we trust in the power of innovation to tackle societal challenges. Whether they’re big or small, local or global. Together with you, we aim to be a force for positive change in the world – benefiting both people and the planet.

Some problem solvers change the world. Others make daily life just a bit easier.

In our idea competition, you can join the fray – regardless of how far along you are with your idea. Whether you’ve almost finalized your solution, hit a technical roadblock, or simply can’t stop thinking about a groundbreaking idea that you’re surprised no one else has thought of – this competition is for you!

The competition is divided into two categories:

  • Incubator competition
  • Idea competition

What unites these categories is that you’ve identified a problem you wish to – and perhaps even CAN – solve.

Competition period

The competition closed at 29 October and the selection process is ongoing. Winners will be announced in January 2024.

Incubator Competition

Have you started working on your solution and decided to venture into a business?

This category is for those aiming to develop a product or service with significant commercial and international potential. Your solution should be innovative and contribute in some way to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It doesn’t have to be entirely new; it can be an enhanced and  significantly better version of an existing market solution.

Joining our incubator means you’ll have a dedicated business developer, access to external expert knowledge, and support with strategy for financing your business.

Prize: SEK 100,000 “development funds”*, a spot in Science Park’s incubator, and workspace in Science Park’s coworking space.

*meaning the money is allocated for further idea development.

Idea Competition

Perhaps you’ve been pondering a problem for a while, or maybe you woke up last night with an epiphany that still seems brilliant in the light of day. Have a solution for getting the last bit out of a yogurt container? Devised an innovative subscription service to tackle food waste? Theoretically speaking, of course. This category is for those still in the idea phase but eager to explore turning it into reality.

Prize: SEK 10,000 in “development funds” (meaning the money is allocated for further idea development), one-on-one coaching in business development and sustainability, and a spot in Science Park’s co-working space.