En översiktsbild över terassen på våning 11 i Science Park Towers.

Our Owners & Stakeholders

Under the brand of Science Park, there are two collaborative organizations in Jönköping County.

Science Park Jönköping AB is owned by Jönköping University and the Municipality of Jönköping. The non-profit association, Science Park System in Jönköping County, is owned by all thirteen municipalities of the county, Jönköping University, Jönköping County, as well as the business organizations Svenskt Näringsliv, Företagarna, and Chamber of Commerce Jönköping County.

En grupp människor sitter tillsammans i en lounge i Science Park Towers i Jönköping.

A Unified Science Park Operation in Jönköping County

In 2013, a decision was made to coordinate the activities previously run by the two organizations. Since January 1, 2015, Science Park Jönköping AB has been responsible for operations throughout the region.

Financing of Science Park

The operations of Science Park are mainly financed by its owners and through projects supported by, among others, Vinnova and the EU’s structural funds. All projects we run are closely aligned with our overarching goals and prioritized development areas.

Science Park's Offices and Meeting Places

The main office is located at Science Park Jönköping, adjacent to Jönköping University. We also have business developers and creative office and meeting spaces in all thirteen municipalities of the county.

Find our offices and meeting places