Paola Gonzalez står i folkvimlet på Impact Demo Day. Hon visar upp sitt diplom och håller en solros i handen.

AI Self-Test Algorithm Wins Double at Impact Demo Day

10 June 2024

On May 30, the pitch competition Impact Demo Day took place during Science Park’s summer party. Four competing teams from the Startup Program presented their business ideas to a jury, with a prize pool of 10,000 SEK from Tillväxtstiftelsen and coaching hours from Almi and Knowit up for grabs. This time, entrepreneur and designer Paola Gonzalez and her solution Droops won both prizes of the evening.


I was incredibly surprised by the win! During the program, I was surrounded by many talented people with fantastic business ideas, and their energy was truly inspiring. This time, Droops won Impact Demo Day, but I am confident that the other teams will also achieve great success

Paola Gonzales, founder of Droops and winner of Impact Demo Day

Here are all the competing startups at Impact Demo Day:


Paola Gonzalez and Jose Gonzales

Did you know that undetected urinary tract infections in pregnant women can lead to serious complications such as preterm birth or kidney infections? Droops is a groundbreaking home testing solution that allows you to monitor your health and detect potential infections and issues using urine tests. With the help of an AI algorithm and an app, you can understand your test results from the comfort of your home. Quick, easy, and important.

The brains behind Droops are siblings Paola and Jose. Paola works as a designer, and Jose is an engineer.

– Our skills perfectly complement each other, allowing us to turn ideas into tangible, user-friendly solutions.


Emelie Terlinder and Emeli Olaison

Wisepoint is a service designed to promote the use of ethical AI. Its focus is to help companies comply with and navigate the AI ACT (Artificial Intelligence Compliance and Transparency Act). This is a new EU law regulating the use of AI within the union. The law aims to ensure that AI systems are safe, ethical, and transparent, requiring companies to follow specific guidelines to protect users’ rights and safety.


Stephen Kwame Umborebe and Sruthi Kumar

Many professional accounting students in Ghana and India work full-time while studying. Stephen and Sruthi have developed Passquo – an AI-based online platform that facilitates studies by collecting and organizing study questions by topics, along with detailed answers.

With Passquo, students can study anytime and anywhere, making their preparations more efficient and increasing their chances of academic success.

Ardacan Uçka is a platform that consolidates various AI tools into a user-friendly interface. It integrates popular AI functionalities like speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and chatbots. This offers easy access to multiple AI tools without the need for separate subscriptions or accounts. The platform’s unique feature is its ability to personalize interactions by understanding and utilizing user-specific data, such as calendar events and personal preferences, to deliver highly tailored responses and actions.

Jury Members

– Henning Lindberg – Science Park
– Anna Hamilton – NutriGap
– Joakim Gustavsson – Knowit
– Hans Börjesson – Starbright Invest
– Patrik Forss, Almi

– When I started in the Startup Program, I only had a vague idea about my business. However, the program helped shape it into something that can truly make a difference in society. It feels like hitting the jackpot, says Paola.

At Science Park, we know that technological solutions and entrepreneurship are key to tackling many of our society’s most urgent challenges. We need to act now, but to make things happen, we also need engaged, creative people and smart, actionable ideas.

The Startup Program is an intensive program for individuals with an idea that can make the world and the future a little brighter, with the help of tech. Over several months, participants take part in lectures, workshops, and coaching with business developers.

This spring’s Startup Program has specifically focused on business ideas that aim to improve the world through various AI solutions. By the end of the program, participants are expected to have transformed their ideas into viable business concepts. Ultimately, the program culminates in the pitch competition Impact Demo Day, where participants present their ideas to a jury.

We are constantly bombarded with news about the negative development of our planet and society. However, the entrepreneurs in this program spread a positive energy that gives me hope that we can solve our urgent societal challenges. Each one of them is passionate about their field and contributes to a better future, step by step, says Simon Hagedorn, Business Developer at the Startup Program.

Simon Hagedor, business developer at Science Park and The Startup Program